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Carrie Phillips, Ed.D.

Carrie Phillips, Ed.D.
Carrie Phillips, Ed.D. is the Chief Communications & Marketing Officer at UA Little Rock. She considers herself part creative and part analyst but fully curious to solve challenges in higher education. Last spring, she defended her dissertation from Texas Tech University where she studied how regional public universities are using marketing efforts to mitigate the enrollment cliff. Outside of her role at UA Little Rock, Carrie is a member of the American Marketing Association and holds the Professional Certified Marketer credential. She is also a member of the District IV Cabinet for CASE, HighEdWeb and UCDA.

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Why Marketing is Crucial to Student Retention

Higher education marketing is at a turning point. Marketing professionals are involved in major decisions across campus, and this evolution is creating some growing pains for marketing teams trying...

Thought leadership, Guest Post, Future of Higher Ed Marcom