In 2014, half of higher education's chief marketing officers reported to the president or chancellor, 30% said their institutions had not yet defined their institutional brand strategies, and 84% listed social media as a top priority for the coming year. So found "Higher Ed Marketing Comes of Age," the definitive study on higher education marketing released that year by The Chronicle of Higher Education and SimpsonScarborough. The study is set to be replicated this year, with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) joining to assist with design and methodology. Data collection will begin in about a month, so if you are the highest-ranking marketing and communications professional on your campus, keep an eye out for an email inviting you to participate. The results will be published in the fall and will track our industry's progress on these and other important benchmarks on the state of marketing in higher ed.

Vision to Visibility: Transforming Strategic Plans into Brand Campaigns
Author's Note: If you missed our talk at this year's AMA, we have you covered! This presentation was a wonderfully collaborative effort with Richie...