
Nice to knows and need to knows.

The hottest trends and latest insights from around the world of higher education.

Sara Wallace

Sara Wallace

Recent Posts

How to Leverage Gamification in Higher Ed Marketing

Editor's Note: Our ongoing series about the Future of Higher Ed MarCommsis focused on all of the topics that we believed were important pre-pandemic, but in a world permanently transformed by covid,...

Media Planning, Future of Higher Ed Marcom
What Data Privacy Changes in iOS 14 Mean for Higher Ed Marketers

In 2020, higher ed marketing and admissions teams diligently leaned into the headwinds of the digital and physical landscape at their feet. Many institutions quickly pivoted to expand their digital...

Digital, Media Planning
The Trust Predicament

How can institutions build and sustain trust with students and influencers in a fragile, virtual environment? 

In this age of impending cookie-less environments, heightened demands for data privacy
Thought leadership, Media Planning
Weekly Brief: Pivoting With the Political

ICYMI, it's a presidential election year. Throw that on top of all the social, cultural, and economic instability, and you've got yourself a perfect storm of questions and considerations when it...

Weekly Brief, Media Planning
To Boycott or Not to Boycott

To be honest, that's not really the question. The question is really about what are you doing to address the issues that students care deeply about?

Weekly Brief
Consumers Will Lead Marketers Through Turbulent Times

Each morning the past several weeks have started the same for most of us. We climb out of bed, scroll the news websites, or turn on the TV and see how things have evolved over the few hours of sleep...

Strategy, COVID-19, Media Planning
The Paradox of Social Media: Creating Connection and Disconnection

College students and high schoolers have had their lives completely upended since early March, both socially and academically. The disruptions vary from suddenly moving home and shifting to online...

Digital, Media Planning, Social Media
5 Things to Remember While Advertising on Digital During a Crisis

While it remains a harrowing time in the world of higher education and beyond, SimpsonScarborough is thrilled to have Sara Wallace join our ranks as Director, Marketing & Media Strategy. Sara's...
