
Nice to knows and need to knows.

The hottest trends and latest insights from around the world of higher education.



Recent Posts

Designing the Organization for Digital: Five Skillsets Every Higher Ed Marcom Team Needs In-House

In the fast-moving world of digital, finding the necessary talent and tools required to support the needs of today’s customer is a challenge many organizations face. Unfortunately, there is a growing...

Resources, Thought leadership
The Importance of Incentives

Following up on our November 2016 blog posts, we are back to talk about incentives. Here at SimpsonScarborough, we spend a lot of our time writing and fielding surveys with various audiences, and...

Resources, Thought leadership
Charge for 2017: Carving Your Institution's Space in the Public Discourse

Full disclosure: I missed the opening session of the 2016 AMA Symposium on Higher Education.

Events, Resources, Thought leadership
Three Campus Visits in 24 Hours

The week of Thanksgiving, my 16-year old junior and I visited three colleges in 24 hours. My first visits as an official “prospective parent” were enlightening to say the least. Half of my brain was...

Resources, Thought leadership
Articles From 2016 Worth a (re)Read

Like many, I’m ready to bid adieu to 2016. But before we close the door completely and embrace 2017 with open arms, it is time to bookmark a handful of the “best of” higher ed articles from this year...

Resources, Thought leadership
How to Design a Logo? Start with Research.

I heard a story yesterday that almost made me drop the phone. A college’s marketing team had hired a local agency to create a new logo. Okay, happens all the time. The odd part is that there was...

Resources, Thought leadership
Secrets of a Successful Market Research Project

In a recent 2016 study of higher ed marketing leaders, we found that approximately 50% of colleges and universities are currently implementing a marketing research initiative. The higher ed marketers...

Resources, Thought leadership
My Picks for #AMAhighered 2016

We’re officially in countdown mode to the 2016 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education! The full agenda is live, and as expected, it is full of innovative sessions that are sure to inspire...

Events, Resources
Call for Contributions

If you have insights on marketing and communications in higher education (and we’re willing to bet you do), want to hear from you. We’re looking for original pieces (500 – 800) words in length that...

Announcements, Resources
Planning for Marketing Without a Budget

One of the things I find most shocking and disturbing about higher ed marketing is the lack of effective budget planning. Leadership demands for marketing outcomes are high, but campus marketers are...

Resources, Thought leadership
CASE Accepting Nominations for 2017 SimpsonScarborough Scholars Program

CASE is currently accepting nominations for the 2017 SimpsonScarborough Scholars program. Established in 2008, the program honors our founding partner, Christopher Simpson, who passed away earlier...

Events, Resources
The Gen Z Customer

The digital revolution has redefined the relationship that exists between customers and brands. No longer a one-way flow of communication, brands must now engage and encourage interaction and honest...

Resources, Thought leadership
The X’s and O’s of Marketing Strategy

Football season is around the corner, and while I could talk for hours about the ethical dilemmas surrounding football itself or oversized budgets of big time college athletics, I’ll instead share...

Resources, Thought leadership