
Nice to knows and need to knows.

The hottest trends and latest insights from around the world of higher education.

ROI: We’re Not Always Looking at the Whole Picture

As the price of a four-year degree continues to rise, prospective students and their families are increasingly questioning the value: Is it really worth it?

Resources, Thought leadership
Social (Media) Cues, Part III: Influence Me!

On Instagram (like anywhere else), it pays to be famous.

Resources, Thought leadership
Hey Marketers: Put Your Listening Ears On

Attend any marketing conference these days and you’re sure to see or hear this quote from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos: “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” I’ve even...

Resources, Thought leadership
Converge 2019: Presented by Converge and SimpsonScarborough
Announcements, Events, Resources
Christopher Simpson: A Legacy That Still Inspires

Cleaning out my home office recently, I came across quite a relic: an issue of CASE Currents from January 1998, back when I was the magazine’s relatively new managing editor and responsible for its...

Resources, Thought leadership
Campus Safety: Walking the Talk

As we all know, many of today’s “hot topics” in higher ed focus around important, yet negative, issues such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, hate crimes, active shooters, rising tuition costs,...

Resources, Thought leadership
The New Facebook: A Valuable Communication Tool

Since becoming an intern at SimpsonScarborough, I have grown accustomed to searching for various articles about marketing and higher education. One particular topic that has caught my attention is...

Resources, Thought leadership
Market Research: Don’t Develop Your Digital Ad Strategy Without It

There's no question that a big part of your marketing strategy is (and should be) digital. But a big question that arises across institutions is, “How effective is our digital marketing strategy?”...

Resources, Thought leadership
The NPS is Alive and Well

Some say the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is not appropriate for higher education. I respectfully disagree. And I’m befuddled as to why the NPS is so polarizing. As I wrote previously, the NPS is not the

Resources, Thought leadership
Building a Successful In-House Creative Team

Over the past decade, marketing has undergone an incredible amount of change. The marketing and advertising industries continue to evolve to meet the needs of the digital age and have begun to shift...

Resources, Thought leadership
All Viewbooks Have an Expiration Date

If someone picked up your viewbook 50 years from now, what would they notice? Would they recognize the latest design trends? Would they understand what is important to prospective students of the...

Resources, Thought leadership
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Research?

Is it possible for a college or university to have too much information about prospective students? Too much data on their parents? Too many insights into what makes alumni want to reconnect and...

Resources, Thought leadership
Why Can’t Higher Education Even Utter the Word “Marketing?”

CASE recently held an event titled, “Claiming Our Story.” I was excited to watch the live stream, especially as a follow up to the Inside Higher Ed program, “Higher Ed in an Era of Heightened...

Resources, Thought leadership