
Nice to knows and need to knows.

The hottest trends and latest insights from around the world of higher education.

Social (Media) Cues, Part I: Becoming a Hashtag Hero

For more than a decade, they’ve helped copywriters bulk up social media efforts by adding pounds to our posts.

Resources, Thought leadership
Generalizing Gen Z, and Other Dangers of Trend Reports

We are living in an age of data. And difference. Of popularity. And polarization. And, oftentimes, we’re presented with plenty of information but little clarity.

Resources, Thought leadership
Why This Creative Joined a Firm Known for Its Research and Strategy

There’s a tendency to view creative—viewbooks, videos, advertising, or your website—as your institution’s brand. The truth is, no matter how great the creative might be, it isn’t your brand. Creative...

Announcements, Resources
Creating Program-Based Marketing Budgets to Ensure Accuracy and Equity

Generally speaking, choosing a framework for developing a marketing budget is the ultimate exercise in navigating higher-ed politics and bureaucracy. And if you want (or more likely, need) to...

Resources, Thought leadership
That Question that Comes Up in Every Research Presentation, Part 3: Brand-Health Metrics

This year, we have been giving our readers an occasional glimpse into SimpsonScarborough’s normative database, which contains findings from hundreds of studies we’ve conducted over our past decade of...

Resources, Thought leadership
Call for Nominations: 2018 SimpsonScarborough Scholars Program

CASE is currently accepting nominations for the 2018 SimpsonScarborough Scholars program. Established in 2008, the program honors our founding partner, Christopher Simpson, who passed away that year....

Announcements, Resources
Do You Know What Your Social Media Analytics are Telling You?

Despite the proven power of social media for reaching prospective students, some higher education marketers spend little time tracking their social media efforts. Considering the amount of insight...

Resources, Thought leadership
Customer Service as a Competitive Advantage

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the 29th annual National Small College Enrollment Conference. The keynote speaker was Dr. Neal Raisman, principal of N. Raisman & Associates, a leading customer...

Resources, Thought leadership
Taking Survey Questions to the Next Level with Discrete-Choice Modeling

Should we change our tuition?

Resources, Thought leadership, Research
Changing the Location Narrative

At SimpsonScarborough, we love asking questions to gauge audiences’ opinions of our client institutions’ strengths and limitations. One attribute that often appears on both lists is location. This...

Resources, Thought leadership
Branding vs. Strategic Planning: Which is the Chicken, Which is the Egg?

Where do branding and strategic planning intersect? Better yet, where should they? I strongly believe that integration of the two efforts is critical. Yet, to date, the closest SimpsonScarborough has...

Resources, Thought leadership