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The hottest trends and latest insights from around the world of higher education.



Recent Posts

Higher Ed Jobs of the Future
Our ongoing series about the Future of Higher Ed MarComms is focused on all of the topics that we believed were important to address in a pre-covid environment, and in a world turned upside down by...
Thought leadership, Future of Higher Ed Marcom
The Influencer Network

How to find the balance between influencer partnerships that drive value and the fluidity in brand guidelines that success requires. 

Witty repertoire? Check. Unique, interesting idea that keeps...

Social Media, Branding
NSC Enrollment Data Deep Dive

Editor's Note: When the NSC released the first collection of data, we were concerned that the data was not representative enough of institutions across the country to draw meaningful conclusions....

Thought leadership, Research
Congratulations to the 2019 CASE SimpsonScarborough Scholars!

SimpsonScarborough is pleased to announce the selection of the 2019 CASE SimpsonScarborough Scholars. Launched in honor of our late founding partner Christopher Simpson, the program supports the...

Announcements, Resources
Converge 2019 Recap: Content Creation, Enabling Genius, Managing Crisis

Last week in Atlanta, SimpsonScarborough had the amazing opportunity to partner with Converge to put on Converge 2019: The Digital Marketing Conference for Higher Education. The conference featured...

Resources, Thought leadership
Illuminating Tech.

On January 14th, TV, radio and digital channels across the Midwest started rolling out our latest creative multimedia campaign for Indiana Tech.

We are beyond excited to see this work takeoff into...

Announcements, Resources, Thought leadership
Enrollment Open: The Institute for Higher Education Marketing
Help distinguish yourself as a higher education marketing leader by participating in the Institute for Higher Education Marketing (IHEM). The 3.5 day program will be held in Austin, TX, February...
Announcements, Events, Resources
The Marketing Organization of the Future

I’m fascinated by the continued evolution of the marketing department within higher ed. While the current reach of marketing is significant at many universities and great strides have been made,...

Resources, Thought leadership
Top 5 Session Picks for AMA Higher Ed 2018

With less than a month to go until the start of AMA Higher Ed, it’s officially time to download the conference app and pencil out your schedule for what is sure to be an action-packed few days. After...

Events, Resources, Thought leadership
Call for Nominations: 2019 SimpsonScarborough Scholars

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is currently accepting nominations for the 2019 SimpsonScarborough Scholars program. Established in 2008, the program honors our founding...

Announcements, Resources
Social (Media) Cues, Part III: Influence Me!

On Instagram (like anywhere else), it pays to be famous.

Resources, Thought leadership
The New Facebook: A Valuable Communication Tool

Since becoming an intern at SimpsonScarborough, I have grown accustomed to searching for various articles about marketing and higher education. One particular topic that has caught my attention is...

Resources, Thought leadership
Market Research: Don’t Develop Your Digital Ad Strategy Without It

There's no question that a big part of your marketing strategy is (and should be) digital. But a big question that arises across institutions is, “How effective is our digital marketing strategy?”...

Resources, Thought leadership