On Friday, SimpsonScarborough announced that Jason Simon will be joining the firm as a partner in February. The response we received from friends and colleagues around the country was quite overwhelming. Thank you for all your notes and well wishes. Here is a sample:
- “Congratulations Jason. Well deserved, well earned. I’m excited to see how you’ll change the industry next.”
- “Congratulations. You can count me in as a future client.”
- “Congratulations, Jason! This is a great move for you and your career and I hope it goes really well for you! Sorry to lose you from UC.”
- “That is AWESOME!! I have four projects ahead with SimpsonScarborough this year, so it sure would be awesome to get to work with you! Congratulations!”
- “Thanks so much for sharing with me. Can’t tell you how excited I am for you. I have a ton of respect and admiration for what SimpsonScarborough does and, with you in a leadership position there, I can only imagine what you’ll accomplish.”
- “Congrats to you all! Jason is a great hire, and SimpsonScarborough shouldn’t settle for any less! I look forward to the next era for you all.”
- “Congratulations on bringing in Jason. You guys will be phenomenal together. Looking forward to finding more ways to work together.”
- “A great addition. Congrats!”
- “What terrific news. Congratulations to you, Jason, and to everyone at SS. Looking forward to more great projects together.”
- “Congratulations Elizabeth on a great addition to your already impressive team. We are excited about the potential of working with you all in the not-too-distant future.”
- “Congratulations, all. Nice. Excellent choice. I thought Jason’s presentation at AMA was brilliant, and – more important – I thought the work he led at UC system was brilliant and well managed. Hmmmm, a ‘best’ joining the best. As life should be.”
- “This is excellent news!!!! Congrats to Jason. What an asset for SimpsonScarborough.”
- “We’re sad to lose him as a colleague but delighted to work with him as a partner. Welcome, Jason!”
- “Congratulations, Elizabeth! You’ve landed a great catch, which will make a great firm even greater.”
- “Congratulations to Jason and what a great addition for SimpsonScarborough!”
- “I am very happy for you, but sad for the UC. I think you were the most innovative and forward looking person I have worked with at a university.”
- “You will be terrific at this new work, and many institutions will be better off for having worked with you. Enjoy the journey!”
- “Congratulations, Elizabeth! Jason is as lucky to be part of your team as you are to have him as one of your partners. His hire is truly on brand for SimpsonScarborough. Very cool.”
- “I am very excited for you guys! Jason is awesome and I hope with all the work we’re planning to do this year that we get to work with him at some point!
- “That’s great for you. Really. I’ve conducted over 150 interviews and I was so impressed with Jason — whipsmart and really nice / professional. He will be a great asset, I’m sure! Congratulations!”
- “Congratulations, Elizabeth, what a very smart strategic move!”
- “What a match made in heaven. Congrats to you all.”
- “I am so sorry to hear you’ll be leaving. What a loss for the university! But this sounds like a great opportunity. Congratulations and good luck on your new adventures!”
- “Congratulations. Sounds like a good move for you. Thank you for you strong leadership at UC! Let’s stay in touch!”
- “Congratulations!! For some reason I knew after your impressive presentation at AMA this year, which SimpsonScarborough obviously enjoyed, you would be moving on to bigger things! We have worked with Liz and Jeff for many years and would love to work with you also. “
- “Congratulations on your move. Please use your great brain, however, to continue to advance understanding that “brand” as conventionally considered will not solve the great ills of higher education. I was so impressed by your capture of the larger concerns about value and service you were tackling in California. Keep that flame burning!”
- “I am NOT surprised!”
- “Exciting news! A great hire for your firm, as well!”
- “Wow – great “get”! Well done!”
- “That’s great news, Jason. SimpsonScarborough is a great company, and in fact they are on my list to contact about a new awareness study we need to do very soon.”