The SimpsonScarborough team will be speaking at various conferences and events in the United States this summer and fall. Don't miss the chance to see our exciting work presented in person and catch up with our colleagues!
Editors note: This list will be updated as we add presentations and events to our schedule.

In a world where data is abundant, organizations must go beyond metrics and KPIs to become truly data-empowered. This session will guide attendees through the shift from data-driven decision-making to a data-empowered mindset in the context of higher education marketing. Participants will learn about the importance of making data accessible and relevant to everyone in the organization and how to reframe data as information rather than just numbers. Through practical tips and strategies, attendees will learn how to build a data-empowered organization and use comprehensive, relevant data to make informed decisions. This session is relevant to anyone in higher education seeking to leverage the power of data to drive institutional success.

A Branding Blueprint for a State of Change
Jason Simon (CEO & Partner), Lauren Griswold (Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, Boise State University), and Sara Wallace (VP, Strategy) are presenting at the AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education, November 12-15, 2023 in Chicago, IL.
Is college worth it? In a rural state with one of the lowest college attendance rates in the country, declining state funding, and unknown public perception of higher education, learn how Boise State University partnered with SimpsonScarborough to take back control of their narrative. Taking inspiration from their iconic blue turf, see how they built a compelling brand strategy that reaches beyond the political landscape to connect and engage with diverse audiences to shift higher education's value proposition.